What a day for a daydream


Sunshine out... and in!
Just feeling good.

"Well, oh what a beautiful morning.
Yes, what a wonderful day.
You know I - I've got a beautiful feeling.
Everything's going my way."

The lyrics above should be sung by Ray Charles!
I feel Elated. A little like when Julie Andrews comes running up the hillside sining that the hills are alive with the sound of music. Only without the nun outfit ;)  I dont think I can be accused of acting like a nun ;)

To think weather can do this to you. Pretty awesome actually.
Now all I need is a day cleaning up the rest in my home and my life will feel brand new again.
Springcleaning in your life, home and feelings is a good thing!
Too bad I cant leave work and just sit outside in the sun, but hey! I'm sitting by an open window. Listening to birds sining their hearts out, enjoying the scent of springtime (you can actually feel it even in this area of Gothenburg, or perhaps im only imagining it. I have a vivid imagination =D ).

Perhaps it might be a good idea to get back to working.
Now I've had a moment of just feeling sooooooo good! I'm ready! Annoying users, here I come! ;)


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